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Live Web Chat

Implemented properly, Live Chat is a
fantastic way to increase sales 

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Made for your business

Live chat is about so much more than installing a piece of software and assuming that if someone needs to speak to you they will click and chat.



When implemented properly Live Chat is a fantastic tool that can dramatically increase sales

... so if your current provider isn’t giving you the guidance you need, resulting in lacklustre results, then let us show you the difference a properly implemented Live Web Chat solution can make to your business.






​Implementing a complete Live Web Chat Solution

  • Unobtrusive follow-me chat

  • Embracing customer recognition

Ensuring that your Live Web Chat facility is clearly visible on key pages, whilst not obstructing any part of your website when viewed on a mobile, tablet or desktop. 

It is important to know which customers have visited your site before and invest that extra time in those who are more likely to buy.

  • Proactive engagement at key moments

When implemented properly, pro-active chat is the most powerful tool at your disposal. But when implemented poorly it can drive away prospects, losing you money and damaging your credibility.

  • Customer follow up

Live Chat is a key tool for obtaining the details of would-be customers, and having a set process for following up on enquiries is critical when it comes to converting prospects into customers.  

  • Chat management

Not answering a chat is the only thing worse than not offering a chat service in the first place. Every chat needs to be answered, without exception. 

  • Summary

Live chat isn’t about providing your customers’ with another method of communicating with you, it’s about pro-actively being there at those key moment, and failing to understand this is why so many businesses fall at the first hurdle, seeing little or no increase in sales as a result.

Try it free

Experience our full service completely free for 30 days.

To us, free means exactly that; no hidden costs, no set-up fees, no admin charges and absolutely no ongoing commitment.

You've got nothing to lose.

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